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Doomer Optimism
Episode 33 - Jordan Hall w/ Ashley Colby and Jason Snyder

Episode 33 - Jordan Hall w/ Ashley Colby and Jason Snyder

If Jordan Hall were a gin and tonic, then this, Jordan's second Doomer Optimism episode, would be a G&T with special elderberry simple syrup. By which I mean, the addition of this episode's hosts, Ashley Colby and Jason Snyder, unearths a few special nuggets about cosmo-localism and a variety of adjacent topics. So, get your lime juice, we're diving in!

About Jordan Hall
Jordan is the Co-founder and Executive Chairman of the Neurohacker Collective. He is now in his 19th year of building disruptive technology companies. Jordan’s interests in comics, science fiction, computers, and way too much TV led to a deep dive into contemporary philosophy (particularly the works of Gilles Deleuze and Manuel DeLanda), artificial intelligence and complex systems science, and then, as the Internet was exploding into the world, a few years at Harvard Law School where he spent time with Larry Lessig, Jonathan Zittrain and Cornel West examining the coevolution of human civilization and technology.

About Jason Snyder
Metamodern localist | homesteading, permaculture, bioregional regeneration | meditation, self inquiry, embodied cognition | PhD from Michigan State University, faculty Appalachian State University.

About Ashley Colby
Ashley is an Environmental Sociologist who studied at Washington State University, the department that founded the subdiscipline. She's interested in and passionate about the myriad creative ways in which people are forming new social worlds in resistance to the failures of late capitalism and resultant climate disasters. I am a qualitative researcher so I tend to focus on the informal spaces of innovation. She's the founder of Rizoma Field School and Rizoma Foundation.

Doomer’s Newsletter
Doomer Optimism
Doomer Optimism is a podcast dedicated to discovering regenerative paths forward, highlighting the people working for a better world, and connecting seekers to doers. Beyond that, it's pretty much a $hitshow. Enjoy!