I have been reading and learning, quietly, from all of the DO's since the name was coined. So grateful to all of you who are carving out this path forward.

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I stumbled across this place yesterday morning and started reading from 'Coming Soon'.

Today I'm back for more and have come this far.

I read slowly, it's early morning and I'm sipping my coffee before breakfast. This is interesting reading; there are beautiful ideas, there is wisdom and hope. There is some common sense and some abstract theorizing. Plenty of questions to mull over. There are things I do not understand.

I'm hungry now. Tomorrow.

Thanks ! from a Norwegian woodworker

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Great post and format. Almost like folk qualitative research! Cross-posted to my own newsletter. Looking forward to reading the rest of them. Might be fun to make this an annual thing, to survey the community this way, and see what has changed in the past year.

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