Interesting. Articulates some of the thoughts around negatives of individualistic liberty that I've been struggling to clarify. Cheers!

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Got to love those Indians! As I know it from speaking with my friend from the southern part of India, all of their rights come from the state. Maybe things are turning around.

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This was fantastic. Touched on so many important trends and introduced me to new articles I hadn't read before. Also encouraged me to start reading about Sikhism. Embarrassing how much I don't know about the world's 5th largest religion. Just reading Wikipedia-level summaries but really enjoying learning about the 3 pillars.

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Patwant Singh's "The Sikhs" is a great book, very accessible to people unfamiliar with Indian history. Like many Indic religions, Sikhi is very rooted "in place", and somewhat hard to understand without historical context, which the book does a good job of providing.

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Thanks. I'll start there.

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Great article, would love to see more stuff along these lines.

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Inter-caste marriage is banned by all pre-Brit Maryadas, and was prohibited in Kharku led areas (Sikh militants).

As the Hindu % declines, and India fractures so will this institution of Khalsa led Panchayat make a resurgence.

Degh Tegh Fateh

Panth Ki Jeet


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ਗੁਰਫ਼ਤੇਹ !

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